Ricardo Kern

Presentation type : Solo session

Country : Brazil

Ricardo Kern

Crown Lengthening vs Restorative Dentistry

The “Gummy Smile Treatment: Comprehensive Approach” lecture provides dental professionals with a comprehensive understanding of gummy smile assessment, diagnosis, and treatment options. Participants will gain a clear view of the various causes of gummy smiles and learn about the latest advancements in treatment techniques and strategies. Through theoretical presentations, case studies, and live surgery recordings, attendees will develop the skills to effectively diagnose and treat gummy smiles, ultimately enhancing their ability to provide optimal results.


By the end of this lecture, participants will be able to:
Identify the different etiologies and contributing factors that lead to a gummy smile.
Understand the principles of smile analysis and its relevance in treatment planning for gummy smile correction.
Understand the Biological principles involved in the precision and long-term stability of surgery and treatment.
Learn about various surgical techniques, including gingivectomy, crown lengthening flap and flapless, lip repositioning with Biovolumes, and the indication of orthognathic surgery and orthodontic intrusion for gummy smile correction.
Develop protocol in communication to discuss treatment options, risks, and predictability effectively.
Understand the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration when managing complex gummy smile cases.


The perfect harmony of soft tissue
The pink and white aesthetic balance philosophy
Concepts for digital planning – Surgical aesthetic rehabilitation
Perfect team communication tools – From surgery to laboratory

Aesthetic Parameters

Facial Analysis
Lip analysis
Gingival analysis
Dental analysis

Etiologies of Gummy Smile

Altered passive eruption
Excessive vertical growth of the maxilla
Gum growth
Short upper lip
Upper lip hyperactivity
Association of factors

Diagnosis of a gummy smile

Extra and intra-oral photograph protocol
Clinical examination
X-rays and CT scans

Reverse Planning (from Analog to Digital)

Crown Lengthening “A to Z”

Influence of tissue design on restorative aesthetic results
Factors that affect precision
Factors that affect short-term predictability and long-term stability

Crown Lengthening conjugated with aesthetic restorative Rehabilitation.

Techniques for Lip Repositioning

– Orthopedic Cement / Prototyping BIovolume
– Medical grade PMMA Biovolume


  • 2004 – 2006 Master of Science in Oral Rehabilitation.
    Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, UEPG, Brazil. Advisor: Gibson Luiz Pilatti.

  • 2003 – 2004 Master’s in Business Administration – MBA Executivo . (424h).
    Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas, ISAE/FGV, Brazil.

  • 2001 – 2002 Periodontology ( 540h).
    Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) – PR, Brazil. Advisor: Fabio Anibal Goires.

  • 2001 – 2002 Postgraduate in Implant Dentistry
    Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) – PR, Brazil.

  • 1997 – 2000 Graduation in Dentistry.
    Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brazil.

Firmly entrenched within the high aesthetic requirements of Brazilian dentistry, I am having focus my work on the demanding disciplines of soft tissue design and reconstruction. Vast experience in immediate implant placement with temporization, from a single tooth to full arch rehabilitation. Have been invited to lecture and to do training about soft tissue (design, preservation, and reconstruction) on several postgraduation courses as also congress and seminars from Latin America to overseas.

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