Jean-David Boschatel

Presentation type : Young Talents session

Country : France

Jean-David Boschatel

Digital workflows for the management of tooth wear

Digital tools play a pivotal role in the contemporary management of dental erosion and wear, offering a multifaceted approach that combines precision, efficiency, and patient-centric outcomes. Smile design, a crucial aspect of modern dentistry, has been significantly enhanced by these tools, ensuring not only aesthetic appeal but also functional harmony.

In the realm of dental erosion and wear management, digital tools such as intraoral scanners, 3D imaging, and CAD/CAM systems have revolutionized the diagnostic and treatment planning processes. These technologies enable dentists to capture highly accurate and detailed images of the oral cavity, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the extent of dental erosion and wear. In turn, this precision facilitates the development of personalized treatment strategies tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Smile design, an artful amalgamation of aesthetic principles and functional considerations, has benefited immensely from digital advancements. With computer-aided design (CAD) software, dentists can simulate and visualize potential outcomes of restorative procedures, empowering both practitioners and patients to actively participate in the decision-making process. Digital smile design not only enhances communication between the dentist and the patient but also ensures a more predictable and satisfactory result.

Functional records, a critical component in the management of dental erosion and wear, are now more efficiently documented through digital tools. Intraoral scanners and digital occlusal analysis systems help capture real-time data on the patient’s bite and occlusal dynamics. This information is invaluable for understanding the functional aspects of the patient’s dentition and aids in designing restorations that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also function harmoniously within the oral environment.


Titles: DDS, MSc

  • Diplôme d’état de docteur en chirurgie dentaire : Marseille 2010

  • Attaché d’enseignement service dentisterie restauratrice : 2010 à 2013

  • Attestation d’études universitaires “sédation consciente au MEOPA pour les soins dentaires” : Marseille 2013

  • Post Graduate Implantologie et parodontie : Université de New York 2012 à 2014

  • Diplôme universitaire d’ implantologie : Marseille 2014

  • Attestation de chirurgie osseuse pré-implantaire “ANAT” : Nice 2015

  • Attestation de formation aux prélèvements sanguins et injections veineuses “SYFAC” : Nice 2016

  • Diplôme Universitaire Chirurgie osseuse pré-implantaire : Nice 2022-2023

Private practice in Bouc bel Air.
National and international speaker.
Member of BioTeam Marseille.
Member of bio emulation France.

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