Alexander de Greef

Presentation type : Young Talents session

Country : Belgium

Alexander De Greef

Maximizing the Full Potential of Free Gingival Grafts

Free gingival grafts are considered a primary surgical procedure for increasing the width and thickness of the keratinized mucosa. However, the question arises: have we fully explored their capabilities? Can we extend their aesthetic and functional potential?
One recent proposed modification prompts us to reconsider the achievable boundaries.quam etiam ultrices.


Titles: DDS, MSc

Alexander De Greef graduated as a dentist (DDS) in 2018 at the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL). That same year, he seized the opportunity to start with the EFP Postgraduate Program in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. During the summer of 2021 he proudly earned the title ‘EFP certified periodontist’ (MSc).

Dedicated to ongoing learning, he regularly attends courses both nationally and internationally to refine his theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. Working in various (periodontal referral) practices, such as Praktijk voor Parodontologie – Implantologie Merchtem and Icarus Antwerp, brings a wealth of experience to his role.

Additionally he is appointed as a supervisor for the surgical division of the periodontology and implantology department at the Catholic University of Leuven. Alongside this practical work, he maintains an academic presence, contributing as a (co-)author to several scientific articles.

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